Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Milk Toof Contest

So, I really haven't been up to much lately.  School has been keeping me busy during the day but there hasn't been a lot going on to inspire me to post something.  I should probably work harder at this...

Anyways, so one of my absolute favourite blogs is My Milk Toof by Inhae Lee at

She's amazingly talented and a natural favourite of myself and several dental student friends.  I mean, seriously who wouldn't love Ickle and Lardee?  They're amazing!
Here's an example of her work - it's detailed, creative, and obviously undertaken with a great deal of love and imagination. ( 
 So, when doing my daily check-in to see if any new features were posted - I came across the contest.  A contest to design your own milk toof and win a copy of her new book!

Don't underestimate how bad I want this book.  I'll probably buy it if I don't win the contest, but I was absolutely determined to give it my best shot.

As a dental student, I figure I'm uniquely qualified to win this thing.  I mean, who knows dental anatomy better than the profession? 

Apparently you can submit as many entries as you like and design your toof out of any material. 

So I started out by knitting a tooth.  It's super cute and only took me a few hours but I never did take any photos of it...I'll have to try and add one to this post later. 

I should've submitted it anyways but I got a little carried away with my other attempt.

I decided to use dental triad to form my toofs.  We usually use it to make customized impression trays and surgical guides for implants so it's extremely moldable with a frosted-white appearance that I figured was ideal to making a tooth.

Since my favourite teeth are the premolars - because they're so cute with their little cusps and grooves, I decided to make a few of them and see what happened.

As it turns out, the triad wasn't as easy to work with as I'd hoped.  It's not as rigid as clay and I had a hard time holding the shape while I waited to set the material.  It also scratches easily. 

Either way, in the end I created two prototypes - Molly and Wally.  I designed Wally with a big swollen cheek, as though he had a toothache.  I thought it was a cute touch.  And of course I had to make Molly a little dental mirror - I used orthodontic wire and tin foil.  Of course I had several more grandiose plans but fate took a step and I ran out of time.

So, here's the finished product submitted for approval to the tumblr account set up for the contest.

Photography was generously contributed by my friend LE, captioning by myself of course
Not bad, eh!?!  There are some other really good entries though.  I personally adore "Bosco the puppy toof" - very creative use of the canine. "Hammond" and "Niblet" are really well done too.

                                                                 Well, wish me luck!