Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What's in a name?

Well, blogging is a little harder than I was hoping it would be!  I've been dreaming about starting a lifeblog for months now - picking up random quotes I hope to use, writing down different topics that came to me at weird hours, and generally getting psyched to start something new and fun. 

At first, I was sure the hard part would be picking the name, especially considering the notebook full of post-ideas I have.  I'm not really very confident when I start something new and it took me a few concentrated days to decide on "Tales with Orange Pekoe".  

And it's taken me days since to embark on my first actual post.  I thought that maybe someone (when I finally get some readers!) out there is wondering what was behind the title of my blog so I'll oblige by explaining that one of my single-most all-consuming passions is Tetley's orange pekoe tea, with milk of course.  No sugar - never sugar.  You can almost guarantee that whenever I'm typing away on the computer, my teacup is not far away. 

I've basically been addicted to it since I was 13, when English mother decided I was finally old enough to start drinking it since the minute amount of caffeine wouldn't interfere with my growth and development.  Little did she know I would evolve into a tea-drinking machine requiring a constant supply to prevent a complete shut down of my circulatory system.
My need to consume tea increases exponentially with stress and time spent studying.  

So as you can see, "Tales with Orange Pekoe" is a very appropriate title for my new method of self-expression

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